Our consulting arborists diagnose plant health care problems and discuss any pre- and post-service treatment concerns we may have. We perform tree risk assessments and tree health evaluations to implement the correct plant health care program for your specific tree species.
A well-nourished and healthy tree is more resistant to diseases and insect infestations. This starts with vigorous soil health and proper fertilization and root stimulants. We strive to make your plants beautiful by creating a healthy environment for them to grow.
We utilize a comprehensive Plant Health Care program that focuses on overall plant health. We tailor a program to your specific needs. We provide quality insect and disease control for the plants on your property.
Pruning will help the aesthetic look and health of the plant. We are dedicated to enhancing the health and beauty of your trees. We take pride in our work and strive to make sure your trees are pruned above and beyond industry standards.
Arborists of Rochester strives to prolong the life and beauty of the plants on your property for as long as possible. When it becomes time to remove a tree because of insect and disease infestations, safety hazards or any other reason our Certified Arborists will remove your tree. We also can remove your stumps.